Valerianella eriocarpa   Hairy-fruited Cornsalad RRR DDD N

Valerianella eriocarpa whole Valerianella eriocarpa close

A relatively recent discovery on patches of bare earth on grassy, south facing, slopes of the Great Orme, this very rare annual plant is thought to be a native by Stace in New Flora of the British Isles Edition 3 but introduced by many other authors. The flowers on these specimens were the size of a pin head and the whole plant less than a few centimetres tall. I found it almost impossible to see them when standing up.

The calyx is distinctly hairy and is six pointed as can be seen in the larger photos. Recent records Valerianella eriocarpa are mostly from the south coast of England and this one outpost (The Great Orme) in the north where it has been found in several places.


Valerianella eriocarpa

Valerianella eriocarpa Hairy-fruited Cornsalad

Great Orme, North Wales 4th June 2015

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Valerianella eriocarpa

Valerianella eriocarpa Hairy-fruited Cornsalad

Great Orme, North Wales 4th June 2015

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Valerianella eriocarpa Hairy-fruited Cornsalad Valerianella eriocarpa Hairy-fruited Cornsalad calyx

Great Orme, North Wales 4th June 2015

Added on 4th June 2015

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