Thelymitra macrophylla Scented Sun Orchid Endemic
This is a tall and stunning orchid which has been known to be grow to over 1 metre tall. Like all Sun Orchids the flowers only open in warm weather but there seems to be a certain disagreemnent about the scent. Some say it is sweet some say it is sour - I didn't think to sniff. Also there is some confusion with naming orchids all of which look superficially quite similar to Thelymitra macrophylla. For instance Thelymitra aff macrophylla (The Granite Sun Orchid) is blue, tall and grows in similar areas to Thelymitra macrophylla.
Thelymitra macrophylla is quite common in south western Australia form Perth southwards and there are a few records as far east as Isrealite bay.
Wireless Hill Park, Perth, Western Australia 21st September 2007
Added on 8th May 2012