Solanum lasiophyllum   Flannel Bush Endemic

Solanum lasiophyllum whole Solanum lasiophyllum close

This member of the Potato (Solanaceae) family also known as the Native Tomato is drought tolerant and is most often found growing in dry stony ground. Many of the Australian Solanum species are similar and so they will grow in the dry interior of the continent as well as near the coast. The western Australian Aboriginal people used this plant to make a poultice which could be applied to swellings in the legs

Solanum lasiophyllum is common in Western Australia except in the damper far south west from around Manjimup to Esperance.

Solanum lasiophyllum

Solanum lasiophyllum Flannel Bush

Roadside near Kalbarri, Western Australia, 10th September 2007

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Solanum lasiophyllum Flannel Bush

Roadside near Kalbarri, Western Australia, 10th September 2007

Added on 7th March 2012

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