Silene gallica   Small-flowered Catchfly I

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We found one or two decent specimens on the common land near the sea but there were literally hundreds or even thousands of plants on the edge of the golf course near L'Ancresse. Next day when looking for another plant we found they had all been mown down. I'd like to think this was deliberate grassland management but more than likely it was just the ignorant golfing fraternity keeping things neat.

Silene gallica is an archeophyte (introduced before 1500 AD) and is dotted around all over England and Wales. The south coast and south west Wales are strongholds. There is less as you go north and only a little in Scotland or Ireland

L'Ancresse Common, Guernsey, 18th June 2004

Added on 12th September 2004, amended on February 4th 2005, updated 8th February 2012

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