Serapias vomeracea ssp orientalis   Tongue Orchid

Serapias vomeracea ssp orientalis

There were quite a few of these plants to be seen particularly on the Orchid walk we went on towards the end of the holiday.  It was during this walk around some beautiful countryside with so many wild flowers that I learned that the best orchid month is March!  March is the end of the Winter if you're lucky in the UK but in the Southern Mediterranean they are counting orchids.

According to Stace, Serapias parviflora has been recorded in East Cornwall in 1989, 1990 and 1991 and one plant of Serapias lingua in Guernsey but he seems to think they may have been planted.

This page has now been re-directed because of a name change from Serapias vomeracea ssp orientalis to Serapias orientalis

Serapias vomeracea ssp orientalis big
Serapias vomeracea ssp orientalis

Somewhere in Northern Cyprus, 6th April 2004

Added on 16th Oct 2004, amended on Feb 3rd 2005, amended 6th Feb 2007, Updated and redirected 26th January 2010, updated 25th Nov 2014

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