Senecio cineraria   Silver Ragwort I

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This introduced Mediterranean plant has distinctive grey foliage which shows up at a distance. Together with the golden yellow flowers this makes quite an attractive garden plant which then escapes and naturalises usually near the seaside. The grey leaves could cause some confusion with the garden plant Pericallis hybrida (Cineraria) but this is a very tender plant and unlikely to survive any frosty winters. Pericallis hybrida is known in deepest Cornwall and the Scillies but Senecio cineraria is dotted all over England and Wales. There is a little in Scotland and Ireland but not much.

Senecio cineraria

Senecio cineraria Silver Ragwort

Near Llandulas quarry 26th June 2005

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Senecio cineraria Silver Ragwort

Near Llandulas quarry, North Wales 26th June 2005

Added on November 28th 2005, updated 3rd February 2012

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