Scrophularia vernalis Yellow Figwort I
This European introduction has been known on The Great Orme for years. It behaves as a biennial and "moves around" often turning up uninvited in gardens. It seems to like disturbed, shaded ground and these plants were found nowhere near the usual site but near trees right on top of a hill overlooking Llandudno.
The distribution of Scrophularia vernalis is odd. It is dotted around southern England with some in Wales and the occasional site in southern Scotland but the heaviest concentration of sites is around the Inverness area. There isn't any in Ireland.
LHS: Great Orme, North Wales 21st April 2006 RHS: Great Orme, 19th April 2006
Added on 21st April 2006, modfied on 12th January 2007, updated 1st February 2012