Rudbeckia laciniata   Coneflower DD I

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This introduction from North America is instantly recognisable as a popular garden plant and one might expect to find it escaped here and there in ones and twos or perhaps a few more where garden refuse has been thrown out. However at this site R. laciniata is the dominant riverside plant and has created a dense jungle of closely growing flowering stems mostly over 1.5 metres tall.

R. laciniata has escaped sparsely in England and is even less common in Scotland as a whole but I wouldn't be surprised if this site constituted the largest population anywhere. It line both river banks in both directions from the road bridge as far as the eye can see. There is none recorded from Wales or Ireland.

Rudbeckia laciniata

Rudbeckia laciniata Coneflower

Banks of River Conan near Dingwall, Scotland, 27th July 2009

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Rudbeckia laciniata

Rudbeckia laciniata Coneflower

Banks of River Conan near Dingwall, Scotland, 27th July 2009

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Rudbeckia laciniata close Rudbeckia laciniata habitat

Banks of River Conan near Dingwall, Scotland, 27th July 2009

Added on 2nd may 2010

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