Rorippa islandica   Northern Yellow-cress RR D N

Rorippa islandica whole Rorippa islandica close

This plant is often procumbent like this one but it can also be erect so shape isn't a good way to distinguish it from the much commoner R. palustris (Marsh Yellow-cress) with which it can be confused. The leaves are usually pinnate like these but the best test is that often the fruits seem to be borne on one side of the stem only.

The name Northern Yellow-cress is deceiving as far as distribution of this plant in the British Isles is concerned. by far the greatest concentration is in south west Wales with few small sites elsewhere in the country and Ireland.

Car park near Chew magna Lake, Somerset, 11th September 2006

Added on 3rd January 2007, updated 17th January 2012

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