Potentilla anserina   Silverweed CCC DD N

Potentilla anserina whole Potentilla anserina close

This plant is a very common roadside weed but is happy to grow anywhere including dune slacks. There are many plants which have yellow flowers of this hue and size but only silverweed has silver leaves although as can be seen from the LHS photo they are not always silvery. In the middle ages it was a food plant and grown for its edible root.

Potentilla anserina is found throughout the British Isles and Ireland even on the outer islands such as St. Kilda, the Hebrides and Shetland. There are just one or two places in the northern highlands of Scotland where is is uncommon

Banks of Stocks reservoir Lancashire 22nd September 2005 RHS: Newborough Warren, 18th May 2004

Added on January 31st 2005, updated July 20th 2011

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