Polygala amarella   Dwarf Milkwort RRR DD N

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After much probing in the damp, flower-rich grassland of this site, our leader eventually found this specimen of Polygala amarella (Dwarf Milkwort). I'd never seen it before so was not aware how much smaller the flowers are than common Milkwort which itself has quite small flowers. The flowers are often pale blue, occasionally pink and can be dull greyish white. Unlike Polygala vulgaris (Common Milkwort) or Polygala serpyllifolia (Heath Milkwort) the flowering stems arise from a rosette.

At one time the plants in the south of the country were thought to be different and named Polygala austriaca while those in the north, thought to be different were Polygala amara

Polygala amarella

Polygala amarella   Dwarf Milkwort

Orton Meadows, Lancs 21st June 2017

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Polygala amarella   Dwarf Milkwort

Orton Meadows, Lancs 21st June 2017

Added on 1st July 2017

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