Pilosella aurantiaca   Fox-and-cubs I

Pilosella aurantiaca whole Pilosella aurantiaca close

This introduced Central European weed is such a beautiful colour that quite a few people (including me) allow it to grow in their gardens if it arrives. It reproduces both by setting seed and by sending out runners (stolons) which start to radiate away from the rosette of leaves quite early in summer. It is hardy and flowers in summer through to the first frosts. There are supposed to be two sub species: ssp aurantiaca (rhizomes) and ssp carpathicola (stolons) but Stace in New Flora of the British Isles edition 3 doubts the value of this split.

P. aurantiaca is found throughout England, Wales and Scotand but less in the east than in the west. It is uncommon in Ireland.

Pilosella aurantiaca ssp carpathicola

Pilosella aurantiaca ssp carpathicola Fox-and-cubs

Helsby cemetery, Cheshire 18th September 2009

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Pilosella aurantiaca ssp carpathicola Fox-and-cubs

Helsby cemetery, Cheshire 18th September 2009

Added on 8th November 2004, amended on 31st January 2005, updated June 19th 2011

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