Petasites fragrans   Winter heliotrope I

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This plant, introduced from North Africa, has spread throughout Europe and forms large patches of heart or kidney shaped leaves. It is dioecious but only the male flowers are found in Britain and they have very short petals (rays). It isn't a very prolific flowerer and in spring, summer and autumn it only shows leaves. You could easily miss it flowering in months when some patches don't seem to in flower at all while others are abundant. Strangely for a plant which flower in mid winter it isn't very frost tolerant so severe weather in late December will kill off much of the "crop".P. fragrans smells of vanilla and flowers from November through to February but has mostly finished by March 1st.

Common in England, Ireland and Wales, Petasites fragrans has fewer significant sites the farther north you go and it is largely absent form Northern Scotland.

Petasites fragrans

Petasites fragrans Winter heliotrope

Grass verge at Loggerheads, North Wales, 12th January 2005

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Petasites fragrans Winter heliotrope

Grass verge at Loggerheads, North Wales, 12th January 2005

Added on November 12 November 2004, amended on January 30th 2005, updated 26th February 2011

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