Parentucellia viscosa   Yellow Bartsia R DD N

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The unforgettable feature of this plant of the damp grasslands is not the yellow flowers but that it is so horribly sticky. You can see the many glandular hairs on the large flower photo. After handling this plant you feel you need to wash your hands.

Although locally frequent in Cornwall and Hampshire in England, elsewhere this plant is dotted about in smaller numbers but with concentrations near the Welsh border and in north and southern Ireland. There is only a little to be found in Scotland.

Parentucellia viscosa

Parentucellia viscosa Yellow Bartsia

Near Andrews Wood, Devon, 12th July 2009

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Parentucellia viscosa Yellow Bartsia

Field near Andrews Wood, Devon, 12th July 2009

Added on 6th November 2004, amended on January 30th 2005, updated February 14th 2011

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