Myosotis discolor   Changing Forget-me-not CC DD N

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This is a forget-me-not that I don't see as often as perhaps I would expect. It has a spiral bud which opens with yellow or cream flowers first but change to slightly larger blue flowers later.

M. discolor is found throughout the British Isles but not quite so often in central western Ireland.

Myosotis discolor

Myosotis discolor Changing Forget-me-not

Spey Bay, Scotland, 14th May 2007

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Myosotis discolor Changing Forget-me-not

LHS: Marshy land near Gaitbarrows 20th May 2004 RHS: Spey Bay, Scotland, 14th May 2007

Added on November 22nd 2004, updated January 5th 2011

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