Lysimachia vulgaris   Yellow Loosestrife C DD N

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There used to be plenty of this plant growing in a typical habitat at the edge of Hatchmere but recently, since the local conservationists took over, the much taller Phragmites australis (Common Reed) have been allowed to swamp the area reducing the numbers. I managed to get this photograph by fighting through the reeds. Other much smaller plants like Eleocharis quinqueflora (Few-flowered Spike-rush) which used to grow in the grass kept short by frequent visits of families having picnics, can no longer be found. Restricting public access isn't always a good idea for the continued good health of a valuable botanical site and in this case the new guardians of this site have made a real Horlicks of it.

L. vulgaris is recorded from many parts of England, wales and southern Scotland. Records become fewer as you go into the far north of Scotland. It is common away from the coast in Ireland.

Lysimachia vulgaris

Lysimachia vulgaris Yellow Loosestrife

Edge of Hatchmere lake, Cheshire 9th July 2005

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Lysimachia vulgaris Yellow Loosestrife

Edge of Hatchmere lake, Cheshire 9th July 2005

Added on 21st August 2005, updated 9th December 2010

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