Limosella aquatica   Mudwort RR D N

Limosella aquatica

This is a plant to look for late in the season of a dry summer. It prefers the drying mud of lakesides or reservoirs and if conditions are right can be found locally in the thousands even though nationally rare according to New Flora of the British Isles Edition 3. Conditions were perfect for this expedition as the reservoir was extremely low and the vegetation had started colonising the exposed shore probably before summer began.

Limosella aquatica is dotted throughout central England and found to a lesser extent in Wales and lowland Scotland. It is not common in Ireland

Limosella aquatica

Limosella aquatica Mudwort

Stocks reservoir near Slaidburn, 22nd September 2005

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Limosella aquatica Mudwort

Stocks reservoir near Slaidburn, 22nd September 2005

Added on September 22nd 2005, updated 26th November 2010, updated 7th October 2013, updated 17th Nov 2014

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