Hypericum pulchrum   Slender St. John's-wort CC DD N

Hypericum pulchrum whole Hypericum pulchrum close

This is referred to in the texts as a plant of acid heathland and I certainly see it on peaty soils sometimes but the commonest habitat for me is the amongst the acid rocks of montane or sub-montane regions. It's red-touched flowers, beautiful yellow and red-tipped buds together with its dainty habit, make it my favourite St John's-wort.

H. pulchrum is found throughout the British Isles (even in the regions with basic soils) except for a region around the Wash in England.

Hypericum pulchrum whole

Hypericum pulchrum Slender St John's-wort

Near Llyn Ogwen, North Wales, 15th July 2008

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Hypericum pulchrum side view

Hypericum pulchrum Slender St John's-wort

Near Llyn Ogwen, North Wales, 15th July 2008

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Hypericum pulchrum top view

Hypericum pulchrum Slender St John's-wort

Near Llyn Ogwen, North Wales, 15th July 2008

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Hypericum pulchrum (whole) Hypericum pulchrum (side, close) Hypericum pulchrum (top, close)

Near Llyn Ogwen, North Wales, 15th July 2008

Added on December 5th 2004, updated 17th December 2009, updated 7th April 2010, updated 28th July 2013

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