Hakea erecta   No English name Endemic

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Flowers in the Hakea genus can be small, tightly bunched Proteacaea type flowers like this one or have long pendulous Grevillea looking flowers. This one was not only a very attractive flower but more typical of the mainstream Hakea flowers whose photographs can be seen on Florabase. However change is on the way (possibly) for the taxonomy of Hakea and it has been suggested it will be absorbed into Grevillea eventually. The species name erecta refers to the long leaves which tend to stand erect.

Hakea erecta

Hakea erecta No English name

Scott Rd 14th September 2007

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Hakea erecta

W.A. Wild Flower Society Tour: Scott Rd 14th September 2007

Added on 2nd February 2009, updated 3rd April 2010, updated October 27th 2016

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