Hakea dactyloides   Finger Hakea Endemic

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dactylis in this context of the species name is Greek and alludes to finger like shape a type of grape but here -oides meaning "something like", refers to the shape of the fruits which Hakea dactyloides produces after flowering. The flowers are usually white but can occasionally be pink and the plant is endemic to Australia in New South Wales and Queensland along the coast and a little way inland. It has been successfully introduced to the gardeners of Europe as it is quite tolerant of variable growing conditions and is not too difficult to propagate.

Hakea dactyloides

Hakea dactyloides Finger Hakea

Blue Mountains, Nr Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 21st October 2015

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Hakea dactyloides Finger Hakea

Blue Mountains, Nr Sydney, New South Wales, Australia 21st October 2015

Added on 27th October 2016

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