Gnaphalium uliginosum Marsh Cudweed CC DD N
G. uliginosum is such a small plant you can easily overlook it. It grows in the garden and even in our greenhouse. It appears in late summer and has this very mealy, mildewed look to its leaves. The flowers are brownish and usually inconspicuous often hidden by leaves. Sometimes the plants can be 10 to 20 cm tall as in these photos with the flowers more obvious but that is unusual.
Apart from a few places on the highest mountains, G. uliginosum is found throughout the British Isles and Ireland.
Fairhead Coastal walk from Cushenden, Northern Ireland 19th August 2006
Added on December 13th 2004, updated 28th January 2009, updated 2nd April 2010, updated 29th June 2015