Geranium sylvaticum Wood Crane's-bill C DD N
This is a Geranium which we don't see a great deal of in the acid sandstone plains of Cheshire but in Teesdale where this was photographed it was one of the commonest plants. It is a particularly attractive Crane's-bill with good-sized flowers and usually plenty of them on tall plants.
There is very little of this plant to be found in Southern England or in the Midlands. It is a plant of the north with large numbers in northern England and in most except the far north of Scotland. There is only a little in Ireland on the east coast of Northern Ireland.
Teesdale, Bowlees Quarry, 21st June 2005
Added on June 29th 2005, amended 1st May 2007, updated 25th January 2009, updated 2nd April 2010