Draba aizoides   Yellow Whitlowgrass RRR DD N

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Draba aizoides

Draba aizoides Yellow Whitlowgrass

Walls of Pennard Castle near Southgate, Gower, Wales 11th March 2012

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Draba aizoides

Draba aizoides Yellow Whitlowgrass

Walls of Pennard Castle near Southgate, Gower, Wales 11th March 2012

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Draba aizoides

Draba aizoides Yellow Whitlowgrass

Pennard Castle near Three Cliffs Bay, Gower, South Wales 11th March 2012

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Draba aizoides Yellow Whitlowgrass group Draba aizoides Yellow Whitlowgrass single flower Pennard Castle near Three Cliffs Bay, Gower

Draba aizoides is considered to be a relict arctic alpine by some but a doubtful native plant by (others including Stace in New Flora of the British Isles.) But it has been known at this site and from rocks along this coast since at least 1795 and the notion of it being an naturalised alien from Europe where it grows in the limestone mountains, is probably because the best site for it is at the ruins of Pennard Castle. As Peter Marren points out in his book Britain's Rare flowers, this is the easy site to access but it grows on sunny rocks all along the Gower and the genetics of this Gower plant are slightly different from the European ones. It only grows on the sunny walls of the castle which surprised me - I thought the darker and damper north facing walls would have provided much more protection from drying out

In the British Isles Draba aizoides only grows as a native on the Gower coast.

Walls of Pennard Castle near Southgate, Gower, Wales 11th March 2012

Added on 11th March 2012

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