Daviesia divaricata    Marno Endemic

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Daviesia divaricata is another species in this genus where the petioles (leaf stalks) are reduced to smaller structures known as phyllodes. In this case the phyllodes are very small triangular scales rather than thorn like structures. This gives the plant the appearance of having stems and flowers (then fruit) but no leaves in the normal sense.

It is found in good numbers on the coastal plain from about Margaret River to Kalbarri but not usually so far inland as the Wheat Belt.


Daviesia divaricata

Daviesia divaricata Marno

Wireless Hill Park, Perth, Western Australia 14th August 2012

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Daviesia divaricata arno

Wireless Hill Park, Perth, Western Australia 14th August 2012

Added on 12th August 2024