Dampiera alata   Winged-stem Dampiera Endemic

Dampiera alata Dampiera alata close

This was one of the few Dampiera species which could be readily identified at first glance because of the obvious winged stems. The flowers vary a little from species to species but it is the stem leaves and calyx which often show the differentiating features.

Dampiera alata is common in the far south western corner of Western Australia and extends its range to about 200 km north of Perth

Dampiera alata

Dampiera alata Winged-stem Dampiera

W.A. Flower Society Tour: Day 1 Mercer Rd 12th September 2007

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Dampiera alata

W.A. Flower Society Tour: Day 1 Mercer Rd 12th September 2007

Added on 7th December 2007, updated 25th August 2008 and 12th December 2008, updated 28th March 2010, updated 18th January 2013

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