Cardamine corymbosa   New Zealand Bitter-cress I

Cardamine corymbosa group Cardamine corymbosa whole

First found in the British Isles in 1985, this alien plant from New Zealand is most commonly introduced via potting compost in plants grown in parks and gardens. This is exactly how this patch arrived in a cemetery shrubbery. It is a very small, low growing plant with typical Cardamine seed pods emerging from the flower before the petals have dropped. It is usually annual but sometimes behaves as a perennial.

There is no obvious pattern to its introduction and it is found dotted around England and Scotland with a little in Wales and a good number of records from the eastern part of Ireland.

Cardamine corymbosa

Cardamine corymbosa New Zealand Bitter-cress

St. Helens cemetery, 21st April 2010

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Cardamine corymbosa

Cardamine corymbosa New Zealand Bitter-cress

St. Helens cemetery, 21st April 2010

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Cardamine corymbosa close Cardamine corymbosa whole

St. Helens cemetery, 21st April 2010

Added on 21st April 2010, updated 25th April 2020

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