Anarthria scabra   No English name Endemic

Anarthria scabra whole Anarthria scabra

This was one of the first plants I saw when new to the Australian flora. As it was quite colourful I made the mistake of assuming that it might be a member of one of the more exotic families like Proteaceae. The illustration in my guide shows the female flowers but these colourful flower parts are male. This is a Southern Rush which has as yet no common name.

Anarthria scabra is found around the far south western coastal plains from just north of Margaret River to Esperance but not very far inland. Thanks to Richard Clark for correcting the species name.

Anarthria prolifera

Anarthria scabra No English name

Near Margaret River, Australia 21st August 2007

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Anarthria scabra

Stewart Road verge, Near Margaret River, Australia 21st August 2007

Added on 2nd Novermber 2007, updated 29th June 2008, updated Feb 26th 2010, corrcectd 20th Oct 2012, updated 4th Oct 2013

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