Lasiommata megera   Wall Brown

Lasiommata megera upper Lasiommata megera under

Typically this butterfly seeks earth baked warm by the sunshine and basks on the ground. This is exactly is where it posed while I took the LHS photo. In early Autumn in Italy it was feeding on the very few flowers which remained on the Scabious at this time of year. The Wall Brown is in decline in England but still easy to find in Europe and there were quite a few flying at both these sites.

Lasiommata megera

Lasiommata megera Wall Brown

Hills near Lezzeno, Italy 17th Sept 2008

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Lasiommata megera

Lasiommata megera Wall Brown

Hills near Lezzeno, Italy 17th Sept 2008

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Lasiommata megera Wall Brown upper Lasiommata megera Wall Brown under

LHS: El Burgo river valley, Andalucia, Spain 31st March 2008 RHS: Hills nr Lezzeno, Italy 17th Sept 2008

Added on 25th June & November 6th 2008, updated 8th June 2010, updated 12th Nov 2014

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