Veronica verna Spring Speedwell RRR DDD N
This tiny Veronica grows in amongst Veronica arvensis (Wall Speedwell) and has flowers about the same size - only 1 or 2 mm across. It cannot be seen when standing up and just touching it usually knocks the flowerhead of the plant. It flowers later than the other two Breckland species: Veronica praecox (Breckland Speedwell) and Veronica triphyllos (Fingered Speedwell). You can get an idea of the size from the huge looking leaves of Aphanes (Parsley Piert) growing nearby.
Apart from one doubtful looking record in central England this plant is confined to a small patch of east Anglia in the Brecks. It does not occur anywhere else in England or in Scotland, Wales or Ireland.
Breckland 21st April 2005
Added on 22nd April 2005, updated 23rd April 2006, updated 21st February 2012, updated 18th Nov 2104