Veronica polita   Grey Field-speedwell C DD N

Veronica polita Veronica polita

This Speedwell looks like a small version of the much commoner Veronica persica (Common Field-speedwell) and usually has bright blue flowers. The shape of the fruits is distinguishing morphological feature but can't be seen in this photo. In Veronica persica the vertical axis through each half of the fruit diverges which gives the two seeded capsule a sort of heart shape. In Veronica polita the axes are parallel.

The leaves often appear to some as a rather greyish green which also helps to alert you to the possibility of Veronica polita rather than Veronica persica. This speedwell is common in Southern, Central and Eastern England and becomes more sparse in West Wales, Northern England and Scotland. In Ireland it is found mostly in the South Eastern corner and dotted about elsewhere.

The Great Orme, North Wales 19th April 2006

Added on 23rd April 2006, updated 21st February 2012

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