Veronica catenata   Pink Water-Speedwell C DD N

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The pink flowers of this plant are similar to Veronica scutellata (Marsh Speedwell) and I confused these two at first. This plant though has narrow sessile leaves but they aren't as narrow or small as Veronica scutellata. Also the flower head is usually more compact and conical in Veronica catenata

Veronica catenata has a southern and eastern distribution so although it is common in south eastern England and east Anglia, it is rare in most of Wales and Cornwall. Records become less frequent as you travel north and although there are pockets in southern Scotland is it is only rarely found further north except on South Uist. There is a little on Orkney and Shetland but it is common in central Ireland.

Still water (Rive Nile) in Southport Dunes 23rd July 2005

Added on 1st October 2005, updated 23rd April 2006, updated 20th February 2012

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