Verbascum nigrum Dark Mullein C DD N
Although this is quite a common plant, it is concentrated in the south of England and prefers basic limy soils. It hardly occurs at all in Ireland or mid to central Scotland.
Verbascum nigrum is a biennial plant which like open sunny habitats preferably on basic soils. It has certain medicinal properties which make it sound almost like essence of snake oil in that it seems to be recommended as a cure for respiratory complaints, sores and wounds and as an expectorant, emollient and an antiseptic.
It is mostly found in the south east and east Anglia with records gradually thinning as you go north. In Scotland it is mostly found near the lowland industrial belt but there is little elsewhere. In Ireland it is very scarce and in Wales it is dotted around in eastern regions.
Breckland 7th July 2003
Added on December 18th 2005, updated February 19th 2012