Thyselium palustre Milk-parsley RR DD N
The umbellifers can be a very difficult group for the beginner but once you get the idea that they grow in different places, flower at different times have widely different habits and sizes, you can begin to tell the difference. This one has a gatekeeper butterfly on it. I'd love to have a photo of the even rarer umbellifer, Cambridge Milk Parsley (Selinum carvifolia) with a Swallow Tail on it.
Apart from the odd site in the north and south west of England, the majority of sites for this plant is found in south Yorkshire and east Anglia. It is not found in wales or Ireland.
Thyselium palustre is a new name for Peucedanum palustre published in the third edition of New Flora of the British Isles by Clive Stace.
Breckland, East Anglia 12th July 2003
Added on January 30th 2005, updated 10th March 2011, updated 15th February 2012