Taraxacum lacistophyllum Rock Dandelion C DDD N
This smallish dandelion had some rather purplish bits on the leaves and stem but none of our Wild Flower Society party would have dared try an identification of this very difficult group of plants even though this one did look a bit different from the norm. Our skilled leader Vincent Jones knew his dandelions as well as his Hawkweeds and he identified it for us. It is a well known (to Dandelion tamers) member of the Taraxacum erythrosperma section Taraxacum lacistophyllum about which there are a few lines in Stace.
Taraxacum lacistophyllum is fairly common in England, Wales and southern Scotland but rare in ireland and the far north of mainland Britain.
Near the top of Cronkley fell 22nd June 2005
Added on 5th December 2005, updated 13th February 2012, updated 5th July 2023