Symphytum orientale   White Comfrey I

Symphytum orientale

This introduction from Turkey and West Russia also known as Soft Comfrey, is now very well established in England. It looks a little like Symphytum officinale (Common Comfrey) which has creamy white flowers but distinctly different leaves which are both sessile (no stalks) and decurrent (seem to continue down the stem). The leaves on S. orientale can be sessile or petiolate and aren't decurrent.

This plant is common in southern and eastern England and its eastern sites continue into the Scottish borders but there is very little in western areas like Cornwall or Wales and only one site in Ireland.

Disused Car Park, Godshill, Isle of Wight, 1st June 2006

Added on 16th November 2006, updated 12th February 2012

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