Spergularia bocconei   Greek Sea-spurrey RRR DDD N

Spergularia bocconei

We were shown the shrivelled remnants of Spergularia bocconei in June 2004 which was a disappointment because books suggest that June is the correct flowering period. Revisiting the same site in 2005 we had little hope of seeing a flower in April but on a warm Saturday when the sun was strong this single plant, with a little encouragement, had begun to flower. The sepals are longer than the petals but the notable feature of this plant is its reddish stems which camouflage it nicely against the gravel on which it grows. "Frequent in the Channel Islands" Stace says, but our local guides knew of a only a few places where it grows.

Spergularia bocconei is known from south coast sites in Cornwall, a very few on the south east coast and the Channel Islands plus two places in Wales. It is absent from most of England, most of Wales, all of Scotland and all of Ireland.

L'Erée, Guernsey 16th April 2005

Added on 16th April 2005, updated 10th February 2012

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