Rhinanthus minor ssp monticola   Yellow-rattle RR DD N

Rhinanthus minor ssp monticola whole Rhinanthus minor ssp monticola close

This is one of those sub species which the ordinary botanist would probably overlook but on this Wild Flower Society trip we were ably tutored by Mr Vincent Jones. He pointed out that this plant has not flowers coming from the axils of the linear/ lanceolate leaves on the long slender stem. Stace points out that the internode distance is also shorter at the bottom of the plant.

This is mostly Scottish hill plant with a few outposts in Northern England including Teesdale but it does not occur in Central or Southern England or Wales. There are a few sites in northern Ireland.

Near Peghorn Lodge Teesdale, 21st June 2005

Added on 7th October 2005, updated 17th November 2011, updated 8th July 2014

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