Oenothera stricta Fragrant Evening-primrose I
This plant is an introduction from Chile. There were a fair number of clumps of this plant on the common on Guernsey although most plants were well past their best. From a distance flowers have a distinctly orange hue to them and the plants are smaller (only 60 cm or so) than the commoner Large-flowered Evening-primrose (O. glazioviana).
Oenothera stricta is found dotted in the southern counties of England and most often near the coast. It is only rarely found in Scotland, Ireland or Wales.
L'Ancresse Common Guernsey, 18th June 2004
Added on 28th September 2004, amended on January 30th 2005, updated 20th January 2011, updated Feb 13th 2011, updated 19th Nov 2014