Leonurus cardiaca   Motherwort C D I

Leonurus cardiaca Leonurus cardiaca close

This is a European introduction brought to England in the Middle Ages for those with troubles of the heart and for use with women in labour. In the case of this plant the use was justified as the plant contains the alkaloid Leonurine which dilates the blood vessels of the heart and allows blood to flow more freely (vaso-dilator).

L. cardiaca is found dotted throughout England mostly with a few outposts in Scotland, Wales and Ireland but appears to be decreasing. At this site you can see it without even getting out of the car.

Leonurus cardiaca

Leonurus cardiaca Motherwort

Woodland in Logierait, Scotland 17th July 2007

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Leonurus cardiaca

Woodland in Logierait, Scotland 17th July 2007

Added on 24th July 2007, updated 26th June 2010

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