Isoetes lacustris Quillwort C DDD N
I see quite a few Quillwort plants each year because it grows in the shallow waters of Llyn Idwal and after inclement weather a few invariably will end up on the shore. I have even taken them home and grown them in an aquarium for a while and they seem to enjoy the experience. This plant grows under the water at depths of up to 6m so if you want a picture of I. lacustris growing in its proper habitat (even Stace's DVD has someone holding a plant in his hand) you will have to don scuba equipment and dive for it with your waterproof camera.
I. lacustris is mostly an upland plant found in the high hills of Wales, Cumbria, the southern uplands, western and northern Ireland and much of Scotland.
Edge of Llyn Idwal, North Wales 21st May 2004
Added on December 1st 2004, updated 2nd February 2010, updated 13th April 2010