Hakea preisii   Needle Tree Endemic

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There are quite a few species (probably up to 100) which are named after Johann August Ludwig Preiss a Victorian botanist who collected over 2,000 specimens of plants and shrubs but over 200,000 including birds, animals and reptiles altogether. His collection of plants formed the basis for one of the earliest studies of the Western Australian flora.

This well known Hakea is also called Christmas Tree, Needle Bush, Dandjin, Standback, Tanjinn according to Florabase but the obvious needle shaped leaves make this common name the favourite. It is quite common throughout western Australia.

Hakea preisii

Hakea preisii Needle Tree

Badgingarra Bush Reserve 8th September 2007

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Hakea preisii

Badgingarra Bush Reserve 8th September 2007

Added on February 3rd 2009, updated 3rd April 2010, updated October 28th 2016

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