Galium album Hedge Bedstraw C DD N
This can be a large bedstraw and in favourable conditions such as were prevalent in Guernsey they can provide a dazzling splash of white. The large flowering cone of this plant means that it is one of those which can be spotted from a moving car and more appears to be taking up residence on motorway verges. The species is quite variable and therefore it is very difficult to separate the sub species usually quoted and which according to Stace are doubtfully split anyway.
Galium album is common in England, fairly common inn Wales but records decrease as you approach the Scottish border. It is found in eastern and central Scotland but is nowhere near as common as in England. It is dotted sparely about in Ireland.
Galium album is a new name for Galium mollugo in New Flora of the British Isles Edition 3 (2010) by Clive Stace.