Crepis praemorsa Leafless Hawk's-beard RRR DD N
A diversion into unspoilt northern English Meadows on our way to the Ayrshire coast to try to find Mertensia maritima (Oysterplant), yielded many good plants including Dactylorhiza pupurella (Northern marsh-orchid), Geranium pratense (Meadow Crane's-bill) plus this very rare plant only identified in the UK in 1988 although our guide told us he had actually found it many years before and mistakenly dismissed is an aberrant Hawk's-beard of some kind. It had virtually finished flowering when we found it but we could still see the nearly leafless stems, the sparse hairiness and the unserrated leaves which characterise this species.
It is only found at this site in northern England and nowhere else in the British Isles so has been designated as threatened as well as extremely rare.