Cotoneaster integrifolius   Entire-leaved Cotoneaster I

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This introduction from the Himalayas has successfully established itself at many sites in the UK. It sprawls over the lower sloping rocks of a cliff face at this site and is well naturalised. Unlike some species of Cotoneaster with insignificant flowers, this one can be quite impressive with it small shiny leaves and proportionately much larger flowers.

Stace reckons there is confusion between this species and Cotoneaster microphyllus (Small-leaved Cotoneaster) and makes the comment that material determined from Great Britain has so far all proved to be Cotoneaster integrifolius.

Cotoneaster integrifolius

Cotoneaster integrifolius Entire-leaved Cotoneaster

West cliffs of Great Orme 4th May 2005

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Cotoneaster integrifolius Entire-leaved Cotoneaster

Added on October 19th 2005, updated 7th December 2008, updated 20th March 2010, updated Se3 4th May 2010, updated and corrected from C. microphyllus June 25th 2021

Added on 25th June 2021

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