Cirsium acaule   Dwarf Thistle C DD N

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This is not an uncommon thistle but it prefers basic soils and so until this occasion I had never seen it in flower. Botanists who were familiar with it from their wanderings on chalk downland called it the Picnic Thistle.

C. acaule is very common in the midlands and south of England, preferring the east. As you go north the frequency of records dimishes and there are relatively few in Lancashire and Yorkshire and none in Scotland and very few in Wales even in the south. It is not found in Ireland.

Cirsium acaule

Cirsium acaule Dwarf Thistle

Hill near Swanage, Dorset, 5th Sepetmber 2010

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Cirsium acaule Dwarf Thistle

Hill near Swanage, Dorset, 5th Sepetmber 2010

Added on 9th September 2010, updated 12th Nov 2014

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