Centranthus ruber   Red Valerian C DD I

Centranthus ruber whole Centranthus ruber all colours

The thing to remember about Red Valerian is that it can be red, pale pink, dark pink and white and it's all still called Red Valerian. It is found all over North Wales such that some refer to it as "Welsh Weed" but is thought to be an introduced species from the Mediterranean.  In can sometime grow in drifts and makes a magnificent show in high summer. Newcastle in Northern Ireland is a very picturesque little town by the sea and has all the different coloured forms of Centranthus ruber growing on the sea wall.

It is found all over England and much of Wales but records are less frequent in Scotland and confined to the coast particularly in the east. It is common all over Ireland.

LHS Llandulas, N. Wales 7th May 07 RHS: Sea wall, Newcastle, Northern Ireland 21st September 01

Added on January 18th 2005, updated 26th November 2008, updated March 12th 2010

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