Campanula rotundifolia Harebell CC DD N
Although quite common, this is a most delicate and beautiful campanula. It usually grows on neutral or acidic soils in late summer on banks, roadside verges and on mountain ledges too. It is known as the Scottish Bluebell in Scotland - a good reason for the systematic names I suppose.
It is found throughout mainland Britain with less frequent records fomr the north coast of Scotland and Cornwall. In Ireland it is commonest in the north.
Campanula rotundifolia Harebell group (or Scottish Bluebell) | Campanula rotundifolia Harebell close (or Scottish Bluebell) |
Roadside bank, Cheshire 26 September 2004
Added on 26th Sept 2004, Amended Dec 20th 2004, updated 19th Nov 2008, updated 10th March 2010, updated 30th June 2015, updated 16th June 2017