Calystegia soldanella Sea Bindweed R DD N
To me this is a fairly common but attractive seaside plant but Stace Ed 3 reckons it has become rare. It is usually prostrate unlike its climbing relations and the flowers fade quickly. The leaves of this bindweed are completely different from the common bindweeds C. sepium, Convolvulus arvensis and C. silvatica.
Virtually never found inland C. soldanella is ecologically restricted which no doubt contributes to itsR rating. It is found at coastal sites all around England, Wales and much of Ireland. It is common in Scotland only in the south.
Spurn Point, Yorkshire, 5th July 2004
Amended on December 15th 2004, updated 14th November 2008, updated 10th March 2010, updated Se3 27th April 2010