Althaea officinalis Marsh-mallow RR D N
This is quite a tall plant with greyish green velvety leaves which flowers in late summer. In spite of Wiki claiming it is an African plant it is actually native here in the British Isles. The species name officinalis gives the clue that it has been used medicinally for centuries. It has many benefits claimed for it particularly from using the roots of the plant.
At this site it grows in the thousands and right next to the marsh road near Crofty.
It is found along the south eastern coasts of England and Wales and East Anglia as well as a few other places such as the estuary of the Severn. Little has been recorded in northern England and even less in Scotland. In Ireland it can be found in the south west corner.
Crofty marshes, Gower Peninsula, South Wales 11th August 2009
Added on 12th August 2009, updated 26th Feb 2010, updated Se3 22nd April 2010, updated 10th Sept 2013