Leontodon autumnalis Autumn hawkbit CC DD N
Re-directed to Scorzoneroides autumnalis after renaming in New Flora of the British Isles Edition 3 (2010).
As its name suggests this plant flowers in late summer and can be very common but quite variable. These specimens were very vigorous and healthy easily 0.5 m tall. They are sometimes confused with Hypochaeris radicata (Cat's-ear) because the leaves are very variable and can be a similar shape.
Sell and Murell call this plant Scorzoneroides autumnalis and from their descriptions this variety could well be var latifolia. However unless the B.S.B.I changes the name on its frequently updated lists then this site will continue to use the genus Leontodon.
Uncultivated land after building works, Helsby. Cheshire 1st August 2007
Added on February 2nd 2008, updated 26th June 2010, updated and re-directed 1st February 2012